Went to see Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. talk at the St. Louis Science Center's Eco Expo kick off on Tuesday night. In his talk, titled "Our Environmental Destiny", he described his personal history with environmental defense and his take on the roles government and corporations should play in the future.
While there were a few questionable "statements of fact", I think the core proposition was reasonable. In short, that the corporation is designed to generate profit by whatever means necessary. This is a fine objective which has proven itself to be a great engine of innovation. However, the corporation must not be allowed to drive government, for by its very nature it will exploit the resources of the people without regard for a common good - and it is the preservation of the common good that is the responsibility of government.
The Eco Expo will run April 18 & 19 at the St. Louis Science Center and is presented by the Missouri Botanical Garden. It is free to the public. Thanks to Ivona Blazevic, volunteer for the Botanical Gardens Earthways Center, for the invitation!
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